Find your happiness
and learn to put it first.

Begin now to create a new relationship with yourself.

It all begins now. Maybe you want to release negative emotions and trauma—maybe you're tired of living a future built on the past.  Maybe you want to start that dream and have been stuck. You know there is something more…

Choose YOU Coaching

with Erika Keene

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. I know; there was a time when I was so consumed by my roles as wife, mother, and daughter I wouldn’t even take time to eat or sign my full name.  If you have forgotten who you are, or maybe never really knew. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

On my path, I found inner happiness, and self-love, while also embracing my wholeness.  I have built a toolbox that works, and it is my passion to share it with others. One of my superpowers is that I create and hold space for people to discover their best. As a certified life coach, I use a variety of tools with an emphasis on hypnotherapy and NLP; I also, when appropriate, will sprinkle a little of my own “woo-woo” into the mix.

I know wholeness is your true nature, and we all need a little coaching from time to time. My *all-in* coaching package is a holistic approach to healing. It is customized for each individual's needs based on the problem(s) they wish to solve using a variety of proven methods to achieve success. My toolbox includes; Hypnotherapy, Nero Linguistic Programing (aka NLP), and Time Line Therapy™ ® (aka TLT).


It can, if you want it to, and you must want it to because somehow you have found yourself here.

Whether you are looking for a life revamp and mindset shift because you are ready to overcome fear and let go of what is holding you back from creating your dreams or to simply change a bad habit, such as smoking, nail-biting, or something else, it is my goal to work with you and together solve the problem.  I have succeeded in helping people quickly heal past trauma, quit smoking, and release negative emotions. I know these tools work because not only do I use them with my clients, I use them for myself.

Improve your relationship with your spouse

 Maybe you and your partner have been enduring each other, and you want to thrive and grow deeper together.

I married my high-school sweetheart, and eventually, we built our own little family, raising three kids and a variety of pets. We have overcome some major ruptures; we have broken through some big hurdles, pushed past our own limiting beliefs and trauma, and continue to grow as individuals as well as a couple. No relationship is perfect, and with imperfect action, we are enjoying a rich, connected relationship with over 30 years under our belts.

By improving your relationship with yourself, you improve your relationship with others

Simply put, Choose You Coaching with Erika Keene is a progressive form of personal coaching to bring out the best in people, YOU, by getting clarity about where you want to go and honing in your focus, harnessing what you already have but might not be utilizing, and ultimately cultivating a life you love.

Helping you quit nicotine forever using hypnotherapy is one of my passions.

Are you tired of the control your smoking or other nicotine habit has had on your life?

  • Have you had enough of the negative effects nicotine has had on your health?

  • Are you tired of feeling ashamed?

  • Do you want to smell better?

Break free from your nicotine habit forever

Ready to quit? Let’s set up an appointment.

Let your light shine bright

Erika helped me….


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