How my journey began

My name is Erika Keene

My journey started as a young girl on the playground when I would sit and listen to my classmates share their problems, and they would say, “You should be a therapist when you grow up.” My mother wanted me to be a veterinarian, but my dislike for everything medical took me in a different direction. I was in some sort of sales for years; my favorite part was the relationships, customer service, and problem-solving. Then I took an extended amount of time off to raise my family.

Somewhere along the path, everyone else and their needs came first.  I forgot who I was; did I ever know? 

I knew my roles, but did I know who I was, especially outside of the negative inner self-talk? 

I gained an extraordinary amount of weight, I felt heavy on the inside, and I looked heavy on the outside.

I come from a hard-working middle-class family where no matter how hard they worked, we never seemed to “get ahead.” My parents divorced when I was around ten years old, which in the day was full of stigma and shame. Generational addictions. Trauma and abuse have run deep in my family. 

As a wife, I married my high-school sweetheart. We faced addictions, losses, and all of the negative emotions that accompany living in a state of constant stress. Our friendship and desire to be together helped us overcome some major ruptures. Although we have been through some big hurdles, what is on the other has been healing and beautiful. Releasing our own limiting beliefs and trauma and continuing to grow as individuals as well as a couple, we are enjoying a rich, connected relationship with well over 30 years under our belts.

I eventually became a mother; we built our own little family, raising three kids and a variety of pets. This role has been one of the biggest gifts in my life. I have learned to love in ways I couldn’t fathom. I have learned what it is to accept, and I learned the importance of self-care; it is true what they say; you can’t give what you don’t have.

Whatever hat I was wearing, in all of my various roles,  I have always seen the best in people; I see their wholeness regardless of where they have been; I wholeheartedly believe it’s about where you want to go. 

My journey has taught me the value of forgiveness, the importance of boundaries, and the undeniable power of mindset. It has been my goal to heal and transcend the effects of that environment for myself and generations to come.

On my path, I found inner happiness, and self-love, while also embracing my wholeness.  I have built a toolbox that works, and it is my passion to share it with others. One of my superpowers is that I create and hold space for people to discover their best. As a certified life coach, I use a variety of tools with an emphasis on hypnotherapy and NLP; I also, when appropriate, will sprinkle a little of my own “woo-woo” into the mix.

So, how do you find your happiness and learn to put it first? With me at Choose You Coaching, I put together an *all-in* coaching package that solves your problem at the roots. I help you put tools in your box to navigate life's ups and downs. 

My *all-in* coaching package is a holistic approach to healing. It is customized for each individual's needs based on the problem(s) they wish to solve using a variety of proven methods to achieve success. My toolbox includes; Hypnotherapy, Nero Linguistic Programing (aka NLP), and Time Line Therapy™ ® (aka TLT).

Simply put, my approach is a progressive form of personal coaching to bring out the best in people by getting clarity about where they want to go and honing in their focus, harnessing what they already have but might not be utilizing, and ultimately cultivating a life they love.

 I also have hypnotherapy tools to help you: 

• Quit smoking

• Enhance your performance

• Reduce stress

Whether you are looking for a life revamp and mindset shift because you are ready to overcome fear and let go of what is holding you back from creating your dreams,  or to simply change a bad habit, such as smoking, nail-biting, or something else, it is my goal to work with you and together solve the problem.  I have succeeded in helping people quickly heal past trauma, quit smoking, and release negative emotions. I know these tools work because not only do I use them with my clients, I use them for myself.

What People Are Saying

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.