You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Begin now to create a new relationship with yourself.

Focusing on You

*All-in* coaching

Cultivating a relationship with you…

Using various tools, including hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and time Line Therapy™, I custom-design my one-on-one, *all-in* coaching breakthrough program to your specific problem and needs. Through the process, we will identify your fears and limitations, take the charge out of negative emotions, and set new goals. I will coach you through a transformational process so that you can take charge of your mindset at the roots and live a life you love.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can't – you're right” Henry Ford

Focusing on You


Are you ready to make a change…

Hypnotherapy is generally described as a state of relaxation, narrowed focus, and heightened suggestibility. Hypnotherapy is a gentle, safe, and natural - yet extremely powerful form of therapy that is capable of creating positive life changes on many levels. Hypnotherapy is different from talk therapies such as Counselling or Psychology.  Instead of spending years with a therapist, clients who undergo Hypnotherapy will have an efficient, fast, reliable means of altering negative behavior. Hypnotherapy produces the most immediate results for changing beliefs, habits, choices, and/ or behaviors. 

Hypnotherapy is highly effective;

  • To assist you in quitting nicotine. From cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or vaping, are you ready to be nicotine free? Then let’s do some hypnotherapy.

  • In assisting with weight loss and one’s relationship to food, getting to the core of the problem.

  • By creating a dialog with your unconscious mind, shifting your mindset to a more empowered, positive one, making changes in performance, letting go of bad habits, and/or as part of a solution to your problem.

If you're ready to heal, you’ll notice the change has already begun.